only story that I really remember from Dad´s mission is when he talked
about how he bore his testimony to some people at some point in time and
he doesn't know that it made any difference to them, but he told us that
in this moment he felt the spirit so strongly bearing witness to him that
the Book of Mormon is the word of God. At least that is what I
remember of the story... Dad can correct me if I am wrong. I had an
experience this week almost exactly like this and it just made me think
of Dad. I was bearing my testimony to this woman who has been
investigating for a while but this was the first time I had met her and I
was bearing my testimony to her of the truthfulness of the Book of
Mormon and how it would bless her life and her family. It was a simple
message but the spirit was so strong in that room as I was testifying of
this that I just couldn't help but cry... a lot... and I don't know if
she felt it but I know that my testimony, although it was already very
strong, was strengthened immensely by this experience. I KNOW that the
Book of Mormon is the word of God and that even if we read a little bit
each day, blessings will flow into your life and into your home. I
know that this is true because I have read it and I still read it every
day and I witness the miracles that it brings each day into my life. If
you are reading this right now and have not yet read the Book of Mormon
and Prayed about it's truthfulness then you have to read it. I can't
imagine my life without this book and I want all of my friends and
family to understand just how amazing and beautiful life can be for you
and your family when this book and this gospel is part of it.
amazing experience that I had this week was with a referral that we got
from a member in our ward! We were looking for this referral and
knocking (or rather banging on fences with a rock and saying "Alo!") on
every door that could possibly be our reference (Because all of the
people here in Chile are AWFUL at giving directions) and we came across
this woman who was just going into her house (who turned out to be the
neighbor of our referral) and we struck up a conversation with her and
then asked if she would like to learn more about how the Gospel of Jesus
Christ could bless her life and she said she did and that we could come
back on Sunday. Soooo long story short we went back to her house
yesterday and she was SUPER receptive to our message and really thought
about the things that we taught her. When we were explaining the story
of Joseph Smith and all about the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus
Christ, she kept asking to know more and more and when we taught her
about the Book of Mormon and what it was, we had her read the second to
last paragraph in the introduction of the book and we know that she felt
the spirit very strong in this moment that this book is the word of
God. As she was holding the Book of Mormon in her hands and reading
just in the introduction she started to cry and said that she didn't
understand why she was crying but she just had a lot of emotions. We
explained to her that she was feeling the Holy Ghost testifying to her
that this book is true. She then asked us if we had read and prayed
about the Book of Mormon and received an answer. My companion said that she had
and then I said "I have read, I have prayed, and I know that this book
is the word of God." Then she started to cry again! The spirit was so
strong and this woman was truly prepared. In her prayer as we were
leaving she said that she know that God knew that this was the right
moment to give her this book. WE COULD NOT BELIEVE HOW PERFECT THIS
LESSON WAS!! This gospel is true. There is no other way that a
nineteen year old girl with about two and a half weeks in a foreign
country in a foreign language and a twenty year old girl with a year in a
foreign country in a foreign language could teach such a powerful
message. I realized in this moment that I have NO idea how to teach
this gospel. NO IDEA! But the spirit does... this gospel is way too big
and amazing for me to teach but with the help of the Holy Ghost, this
gospel is undeniable!!
am so thankful for the opportunity I have to be the Lord's hands here
teaching this gospel!! I am so so so very thankful that I made the
choice to come here because I am already being blesses immensely for
being here!!
I love you all so much!!
--Hermana Harvey
I don't know if you can see it but the rain is going SIDEWAYS! almost haha This is taken from our window of our house. |
We have LOTS of rain here. This is one of our streets that we walk to get to our mamita's house. |
After having a HUGE bowl of soup at a members house, they brought this out! They could have warned us!! Then I wouldn't have eaten two pieces of bread! |
Then they brought out the dessert... I thought I was going to die! But it was delicious! Lemon Pie :) o pi de limón |
On a swing near one of our investigators who wasn't home for our appointment |