Monday, January 5, 2015

Week 23

This week I learned a lesson about not running faster than we have strength... (or something like that... I read the scripture in Spanish...)  We have been literally running to all of our lessons lately and I was wearing my boots one day which don't have much padding in those boots and running on the rocks and everything, I came home with bruises on the bottoms of my feet!! I was running faster than I have strength and it made the rest of my week hard!! But now my feet are better :) So don't worry!!
My testimony has also grown a LOT this week!! I had some moments that I was super duper happy and there really was no reason for the happiness that I felt other the knowledge that this gospel is true!! It's the only way to explain how happy I have been (really... pure joy!!) this week even though I have been soo tired and had bruises on the bottoms of my feet!!  My companions make fun of me because they say that I say how happy I am ALL THE TIME and that I bear my testimony to EVERY CONTACT and every time I put my hand over my heart and ya wanna know why?? This gospel brings happiness!!

So I may have lied (she said at Christmas that they hadn't been getting much rain)... we had lots of rain for a couple of days this week haha But just a couple days of LOTS of rain :)

I got to ride a bike with this cutie!! That was super fun!!

These last 3 pics are from Hermana Smoot's blog! - We went out to chamisa for the 1st and they roasted lamb!! It was delicious! :)

1 comment:

  1. Love those happy smiles!! And happiness is contagious so continue spreading it around!! :) Love ya, Sister G
